Here’s a fresh, zingy green juice for your fresh craving taste buds! With loads of dark leafy greens, fruits, and vegetables, this juice is a great way to start the day.

This green juice has been my EVERYTHING lately!
There has never really been a better time to start focusing on your immunity and wellness than quarantine, so I guess there’s never really been a better time for a recipe like this
Most green juice recipes I try are either “too green” and taste like grass, or simply lack a good balance of sweetness and tartness.
This one hits the spot, and no, it does not taste like grass.

So how exactly does this green juice boost your immunity? Let me help to break it down for you.
What health benefits?
Turmeric: Turmeric contains the compound Curcumin, which is a naturally potent anti-inflammatory. It has also been shown to fight depression, cancer, and even improve your memory.
Ginger: A strong natural anti-inflammatory loaded with phytonutrients that can work to fight diabetes, cancer, nausea, and heart disease. It is also a great way to boost your metabolism and encourage weight loss.
Lemon: One lemon alone contains over 50% of your daily intake of vitamin C, which most of us know to be the super vitamin for immunity and health. Lemons also fight Anemia by increasing your body’s ability to absorb iron, which is why it’s so great when paired with all the dark leafy greens in this juice. It is also a metabolic booster for weight loss, reduces cancer, and can help prevent the formation of kidney stones.
Parsley: Parsley is rich in antioxidants and has anti bacterial properties as well. It has been shown to improve bone, eye, and heart health, as well as fight cancer.
Celery: Celery is an important source of antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and has an alkalizing effect on the body to help neutralize acidity in the digestive tract. It’s rich in vitamins and minerals and has a low glycemic index. This makes celery ideal for maintaining a level blood sugar.
These are just a few of the ingredients in this green juice. I could go on and on about all of them and just how amazing they are for you body. Put them all together, and you have one power house of a beverage! (it’s really just a magical super health potion.)

Be a lean, mean, green juice machine
As always, I recommend using the freshest organic produce you can find. Make sure to wash and peel any skin that could have come into direct contact with a pesticide. You don’t want any of that icky stuff in your body, trust me!
I personally have yet to obtain a juicer of my own, so this method will be blender style. You’ll need a solid high powered blender to break down all of the nutrients well enough to merge with the juice.
I will always recommend Vitamix. I use mine pretty much everyday and have seen the battering they can endure from commercial kitchens. These things are TOUGH and get the job done right!

Vibrant, Green, DELICIOUS!
Grab a large bowl or pitcher to strain the juice into and some cheese cloth to press the pulp with.
You can get cheesecloth at pretty much any supermarket or health food store. It’s best to just ask an attendant at the store to help you find it, because every time I go it’s always in a super weird spot and I waste wayyy too much time trying to find it on my own.
Chop up all of the ingredients into large chunks. This recipe does make a pretty large batch, so you will have to pack things a little tightly to make it work.
Feel free to half the recipe for a party of 2.
Add your greens first towards the bottom. Next, layer on the rest of the ingredients like I have in the second photo. This will ensure all of those fibery bits from the greens and celery get completely chopped up by your blender. No leafy bits left behind!

Pulp or no pulp, it’s up to you
Lastly, add your water. Pop on the lid (make sure it’s sealed!) and switch on the blender at high for at least one minute. Use a tamper as needed (on a lower speed) to help push all of the vegetables down into the blades.
After your juice is all frothy and blended smooth, strain out the pulp. You can compost or keep the pulp for another purpose if you feel bad throwing it out. Stop at this point if you don’t mind a heavy pulp texture. (Not for the faint of heart!)
Next, use a glass Pyrex bowl with a strainer basket set over the top. Line the basket with a large piece of cheesecloth that drapes over the edges.

Pour the juice into the lined strainer basket until it reaches about an inch below the lowest edge of your cheesecloth. Take a ladle and use a swirling, pressing motion along the bottom of the basket to force the liquid through.
You don’t need to get all of the liquid this way, just about half or until the juice coming out has slowed down to a trickle. At that point, pick up the edges of the cheese cloth and twist the remaining pulp into a ball. Wring out the rest of the juice and discard the remaining pulp when finished.
Lay the cheesecloth same side up back into the strainer basket and repeat until all of the pulpy juice has been processed.
See the trail of photos below to get a visual of this process.

And that’s it! Serve the juice immediately over some ice (sometimes the action from the blender can warm it up a bit), and a fresh lemon wedge to garnish.
Store any leftovers in the refrigerator and consume within 24 hours.
Look at the vibrant color of this green juice! Mother nature sure is incredible!

Please leave your comments and feedback for me below and let me know if you’d enjoy more recipes like this in the future. I love hearing your responses!

Immune Boosting Green Juice
- 1 cup spinach
- 1 cup parsley
- 3 large stems lacinato kale, de-stemmed
- 4 stalks celery
- 1 whole cucumber
- 1 lemon, peeled and sliced
- 2 green pears, peeled
- 1 green apple, peeled
- 1, 2" size piece of fresh ginger, peeled
- 1, 1/2" size piece of fresh turmeric, peeled
- 3 cups water
- Wash and peel your fruits and veggies. Roughly chop all of the ingredients into large chunks.(For the lemon, it is best to slice first, remove the seeds from each slice, and pull off the peel like an orange.)
- Add all of the ingredients to your high speed blender and blend on high for at least 30 seconds.
- Pour the contents of the blender over a fine mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth into a large bowl. Use a ladle to help force the juice through the mesh. Once it's about halfway full, gather up the edges of the cheese cloth to make a ball with the pulp and twist to press out the remaining juice. Discard the pulp in a bowl to the side and replace the cheesecloth over the strainer. Repeat the process until all of the juice has been extracted from the pulp.
- Serve immediately and enjoy!
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